As per Sec. 2(19) of the J. J. Act, “Children’s Home” means a Children’s Home, established or maintained, in every district or group of districts, by the State Government, either by itself, or through a voluntary or non-governmental organization, and is registered as such for the purposes specified in section 50.
As per Sec. 2(21) of the J. J. Act, “Child Care Institution” means Children Home, open shelter, observation home, special home, place of safety, Specialized Adoption Agency and a fit facility recognized under this Act for providing care and protection to children, who are in need of such services.
As per Sec. 2(26) of the J. J. Act, “District Child Protection Unit” means a Child Protection Unit for a District, established by the State Government under section 106, which is the focal point to ensure the implementation of this Act and other child protection measures in the district.
As per Sec. 2(48) of the J. J. Act, “probation officer” means an officer appointed by the State Government as a probation officer under the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 or the Legal-cum-Probation Officer appointed by the State Government under District Child Protection Unit.
As per the JJ Act, SJPUs will be constituted in ever district and city. The purpose of the units is to enable police who deal with juveniles to be better equipped with knowledge and procedures on dealing with children in conflict with law. The act provides there be a police officer in every police station who is trained as a juvenile or child welfare officer.
As per Sec. 2(25) of the J. J. Act, “Childline Services” means a twenty-four hours emergency outreach service for children in crisis which links them to emergency or long term care and rehabilitation service. Information of these Services along with phone number of the Childline Services can be made available on the website.